Thursday 8 January 2009

In order to anaylse the film opening sequence of the recent film Juno, i will be referring to all the micro elements and this would then enable me to establish how they are then used to set up:

  • Characters
  • Theme
  • Narrative/Plot
  • Genre
  • Location
The music chosen for the opening sequences is by well known artist Kimya Dawson. The lyrics tumble along repetitively in a slightly catchy and humorous way. Its a downbeat love song which emphasizes partnerships like ‘if id be a tree you would be my leaves’, this then straight away highlights the key theme within the film(romance, relationships) and helps set up the character of Juno to be lonely and innocent even though they so not make a huge first impression of what they are really like just by walking, however the music makes it out to be like that.

I feel that mise en scene that plays a major and significant part in establishing the tone and genre, as well as the lead character in the film. For example the location of where the film has been set shows that Juno is depicted walking through suburban USA showing in the background of her local area and the quality of life she lives in. The leaves falling from the trees show time passing and establish the time of year being autumn. furthermore, the use of the leaves falling from the trees also relates to the diegetic music in the background.

Slide and push effect have also been introduced to allude to comic books. Cleverly done by the film makers, it shows Juno s character sometimes on the screen being life like and then the other clip is half comical and half natural. In two different shots and this along with her constant presence and dominant framing establish the centrality of her character within the film. Some of the more adventurous camera angles, for example the overhead shot, are pleasing to the eye.

Furthermore, the title sequence has the be the most important function when it comes to film opening sequences which acts as a vehicle for the main credits. In Juno the credits are cleverly used as they are shown to be neatly hand drawn, continuing the comic theme and not unlike a teenagers graphics project or doodling, also the use of the credits being shown on top of the walls which also makes it to be graffiti and this links back to the location of where the film is being allocated. An shaky effect has been used in a slightly organic way for the tittles.


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