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The film Oceans Thiteen best relates to our opening sequence which also approaches the crime caper genre. As it relates to the consistence of a group of people conspiring together to commit and elaborate crime, played out in a humorous way, we feel that fits our opener. Also our sequence meets the conventions of a crime caper.
The trailer of the opening sequence of oceans thirten contains micro elements that support the conventions of a crime caper. The four micro elements, cinematography, sound, mise en scene and editing all play a part in maintaining the conventions but also cause humoou and enjoyment to the audience.
The first micro-elemnt which is evident in the opener is sound. There is a variety of diegetic and non-diegetic sound in this sequence. For example, the diegetic dialogue of a man, which is synchronized in with the cinematography, changes to becoming sound over the top of different action. This shows the mans plans and emphasises the pace of it. All the characters have some dialogur in the sequence, therefore giving the audience a taster of whats about to come in the film. The quiet and soft music in the background fits into the genre and is important in giving the sequence a flow to it that would'nt be achieved without. This however, stops when there is dialogue.
Secondly, mise en scene plays an important part in revealing the genre of the sequence. As oceans thirteen portrays the characters as gangsters who aim to succombe to some elaborate crime, the mise en scene represents the characters well. For example, the mise en scene in the sequence usually consists of, being in the location of a casino, gambling chips, money, playing cards and poker tables. This immediately sends out teh message of the attitude of the characters who are completely money minded and also the connotations are that the work they are doing is highly risky. The costume consists mainly of suits, representing them as smart and showing them as having vast amounts of money. Finally, the false disguises mean that it gives the audience an indicator of what is to happen in the rest of the film.
Another micro element is cinematography. The panning of the camera around the city where its set helps to distinguish the location in which the elaborate crime will inevatibly take place. Also, the use of panning takes place to distinguish the casino, in which furthermore, the crime will meet its heights. The mid-shot of several characters enables the audience to see their interaction as characters and how they come together in the film. Close Ups are used frequently in the opening sequence of oceans thirteen, simply, to define objects which arae key to the film, for example, cards and gambling chips aswell as teh dealing of cards.
Finally, editing is the last micro elemnt employed to maintain the conventions of the crime caoer genre. Many transition devices are used to maintain the tempo and excitement of the sequence. Instead of dull and boring straight cuts and black outs, screen wipes are employed, to enable the smooth and quick transition, keeping the audience engaged througout. Another editing device used is various amounts of money that are put above the people in teh casinos heads. This shows their desire for their money and indicates their plan. Obssesion with money is obvious.